Singing Guide: Philipp Poisel

Singing Guide: Philipp Poisel

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Philipp Poisel is a German singer-songwriter known for his emotional and powerful ballads. Learning to sing like him requires a good understanding of several vocal techniques and the ability to express a range of emotions through song.

One of the most significant things that make Philipp Poisel's singing stand out is his use of dynamics. His vocals often start quietly and build to a powerful climax, creating a captivating emotional effect. To achieve this, it is essential to practice controlling your breath and using proper breath support. Singing exercises like this Farinelli Breathing video and these breath support tips will help you improve your breathing and gain better control over your voice.

Poisel uses a mix of his chest and head voice, which is sometimes referred to as the "mixed" voice. A properly executed mixed voice creates a balanced tone and avoids the vocal breaks often experienced when transitioning between chest voice and head voice. Learning to switch between these registers smoothly takes time and practice, but the singing exercises explained in this video on voice registers will help you get there.

Poisel's music also showcases his use of vibrato, a technique where the voice alternates slightly in pitch, creating a wavy vibrational effect enhancing the emotion in particular notes. This video on how to sing with vibrato offers great exercises and tips for improving your vibrato, which is essential if you want to sing like Philipp Poisel.

His unique sound also relies on articulation, which is the ability to accurately pronounce words clearly while singing. It is essential to enunciate consonants and vowels properly, giving each sound space to resonate. The Finger Bite exercise video can help you practice your articulation of consonants.

Poisel's music offers a range of vocal challenges that are often performed with his guitar. Therefore, it is essential to accompany yourself instrumentally to bring a note of intimacy and emotional depth to your performance. At Singing Carrots, you can explore over 5000 famous vocal artists and find songs that fit your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Then take it further and create your performance set with linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio using the Singing Carrots Song-book feature.

Finally, developing your own authentic sound is fundamental if you want to sing like Philipp Poisel. Experimenting with vocal health tips and learning how to overcome stage fright is essential and will help you develop your confidence as a singer.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Philipp Poisel would require a thorough mastery of several vocal techniques and the ability to infuse your voice with raw emotion, conveying the feelings hidden within the song. With enough practice, insight, and dedication in using resources such as Singing Carrots, you will be able to sing irresistibly like Philipp Poisel.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.